{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}

{Pretty}DCM_7730 (2)

The sunrise as the storm was rolling in last Friday morning was spectacular. This photograph does not even begin to do it justice. It completely merited rolling out of bed (and this coming from a VERY sleep-deprived mom!).



Each year after Thanksgiving and Christmas, I pick up a few bags of cranberries and throw them in the freezer, which enables me to make these scrumptious cookies. If you have never tried them, you should drop everything you are doing and bake them. This instant. (Does it make me oh-so-shallow that my happy thing is a dessert?)



Katie is getting to the age where her interactions with Euclid are more than him incessantly licking her face. In the past week or so, he’s started bringing his toys to her, excited to have a new playmate, and on more than one occasion I’ve looked over at her to find his rubber ball thingamabob on its way to her mouth. Usually, I catch it in time, but it has been known to make it to its destination before I notice. I tell myself she’s building immunity.

Anyway, they had much fun playing together the other day – he kept dropping the toy into the Exersaucer with her, and they would spend minutes at a time staring down at it, unsure of how to get it out, until I came to their rescue.

That’s funny, right? Right? Right? (For some reason, the funny seems to be the hardest for me to discover each week.)


DCM_7819Last spring, we redid our kitchen – new cabinet doors, new tile work, new counters. And by “we”, I really mean “Jonathan”, who built the doors with his dad, did the tile and grout work, and installed the counters. We painted our breakfast nook (there’s that “we” again) a lovely shade of maroon to match, with a plan to reupholster the cushions. Having no confidence in my ability to undertake such a project, I decided to try to outsource it, and finally got around to getting quotes for the work this week. Well. Have you any idea how much that kind of thing costs? Yikes! So it’s on to Plan B – me working up the gumption to figure out how to sew them myself. In the meantime, it looks like this. (And yes, my kitchen table currently looks like a construction zone.)

That’s the pretty, happy, funny, and real around here. How about you? Come over to Like Mother, Like Daughter and join in the fun!

8 response to "{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}"

  1. By: Janet Yates Posted: February 12, 2015

    Jen, I can show you how to recover the cushions! You can do it.

    • By: Jenn Posted: February 12, 2015

      Hurray! Thanks, Janet. 🙂

  2. By: Laura Posted: February 12, 2015

    Wow, that sunrise is incredible! And those cookies look really good. I’ve never thought to use fresh cranberries in my cookies, only dried, but since I have some in my freezer I’ll have to check that recipe out. (Oh, and I feel like my “happy” is often food related too! 😉

    • By: Jenn Posted: February 12, 2015

      Try it! They are so, so good. I never would have thought of it, either, but a friend linked to that recipe and the rest is history. 🙂

  3. By: Rebekah Posted: February 12, 2015

    I was about to volunteer my mother-in-law to help you with the cushions, but I see she beat me to it. 🙂

    • By: Jenn Posted: February 12, 2015


    • By: Jenn Posted: February 17, 2015

      Thanks for the tip, Jamie! I appreciate it. 🙂

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