{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}


We took a walk last Saturday, Jonathan and Katie and Euclid and I. It was beautiful all around, from the weather to the scenery to the togetherness, but I thought the late-afternoon light in this pasture was especially lovely.

(I realize many of my pretty things are related to nature. I can’t help it; I live in a beautiful place and it hasn’t been acting very wintry lately. My daughter is lovely and could easily take this spot, but she often fits the happy and funny categories. While I could look at pictures of her all day long, there ARE other things in my life worth documenting, few though they may be.)DCM_7861 (2)


After months of seeing reviews on other blogs, I decided to give Stitch Fix a try. Results pictured below (pants and sweater from Stitch Fix, scarf already a part of my wardrobe). Ignore the fact that selfies just aren’t my thing, pretend you don’t see the need to clean my bathroom, don’t judge the lack of a full-length mirror in my house, and focus on this: I got two nice new additions to my wardrobe without having to go to a store (I HATE shopping). This is a happy thing, indeed (despite the sticker shock this bargain-hunter experienced)!

Disclaimer: If you want to give it a try and you sign up using my link, I’ll get referral credit … which will help me with the sticker shock on my next box! 20150226_083312


Butternut squash was not a hit.image


We found these little guys in our bathroom the other day. I am grateful for our central vacuum cleaner, and the trap seems to be doing the trick, but ugh. I hate ants.20150223_135927

Those are the pretty, happy, funny and real moments around here this week. How about you? Head over to Like Mother, Like Daughter and join in the fun!

2 response to "{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}"

  1. By: Ruth Anne Posted: February 26, 2015

    Love the shot of your daughter and the squash! So cute :).
    I’m with you with those ants, can’t stand them in the house.

    • By: Jenn Posted: February 26, 2015

      Thanks, Ruth Anne! I tend to think she’s pretty cute, but I have a biased opinion. 🙂

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