{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}

 ~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life, as inspired by the women at Like Mother, Like Daughter~


I know, I know. This time of year, it seems all my {pretty} moments are centered around food. But I just can’t help myself. I love summer produce. I love the fresh tomatoes, broccoli, chard, spring onions, and, yes, zucchini, that made it into the frittata I made on Saturday. I love the melt-in-your-mouth sweet strawberries picked from our own backyard. I love the overabundance of cucumbers. I love it all.

(Now, if only there were a way to get this summer produce without the heat – and without the smoke that is a perpetual part of fire season in California.)

Speaking of an overabundance of cucumbers, we experimented this past week, using dill and garlic from our CSA box. Aren’t they pretty?


Abby has been a busy kid. In the past week, she’s started to pull up on things, she’s figured out how to open cabinet drawers, she’s managed to navigate the two stairs up out of our living room (but hasn’t got the knack of going back down), she’s learned how to clap, she’s discovered the joy of drinking from her own cup (and, as a result, is the most hydrated baby in town), and she’s begun the process of becoming a toothed individual. Whew. It’s been quite the week, both for her, and for me as I try to keep up with her (and keep her alive!)

All of that learning and growing and exploring tuckers a girl right out. (See the knee of her pajamas? I, ahem, might need to clean my floors more regularly, a fact which becomes readily apparent when there’s a crawling baby in the house.)


This picture speaks for itself, does it not?

(This baby loves beets.)

(Bath time followed shortly hereafter.)

(Oh, how I love this girl.)


I mentioned that Abby had discovered the secret to opening cabinet doors, yes? Well, witness the result.

(Of course, I can’t blame this all on her. My sink runneth over because we made a fancy dinner on our actual anniversary – we went out the following evening – and couldn’t bring ourselves to clean up that night. The general clutter and lunch prep on the counters are just a normal part of life around here. But she did her part to the floor. This is not an abnormal sight around here … the joys of trying to maintain a somewhat tidy environment with a baby and a three-year-old in the house!)

Those are the {pretty, happy, funny, real} moments around here this week. How about you? Share in the comments!

1 response to "{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}"

  1. By: Jamie Posted: July 24, 2017

    Your frittata made me hungry! I love the foods of summer too. Our farmer’s market is my favorite place on Sundays.

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