{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}
~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life, as inspired by the women at Like Mother, Like Daughter~
Jonathan’s sister made these lovely planter boxes for us several years ago, and they’ve been sitting in our garage, just waiting for us to put them to good use. Their day has finally come; Jonathan prepared them this weekend, and on Sunday, we all went together to the hardware store to choose plants for them. As luck would have it, it began pouring rain just as we arrived, so Jonathan ventured out into the nursery in his raincoat while the girls and I huddled inside.
I’m quite happy with how our outdoor area is shaping up. It’s becoming a pretty and welcoming place for friends and family to enjoy. Next step: finding an affordable way to provide shade. A must in the baking months to come.
Have you ever met a happier baby? Abby spreads joy everywhere she goes, be it the grocery store, or the park, or the library.
Also, on the happy front: impromptu selfies with kids, just for the fun of it. This was the reason smartphones were invented.
Within the last week and a half, this happy girl has become quite proficient at moving from a lying position to a sitting one without any assistance. She does it automatically now. No matter how drowsy she is when I lay her down in her crib, unless I keep a hand on her back to hold her in place, she’s up within seconds.
This is not conducive to sleeping. See that grin on her face? It says, “Hey mom, I know you want me to sleep. Guess what? I’m wide awake! And look! I’m so good at sitting up! Aren’t you proud of me?”
(Full honesty: this is only really funny after the fact. Not in the moment. In the moment, I end up leaving the room, because she’s too distracted and excited to sleep while I’m there. Which results in tears, until she lies back down and falls asleep.)
This unexpected fun was happening at the park the other day. Bubbles galore, something I thought would be a surefire highlight of the day for my bubble-loving girl.
Instead, this was her reaction:
This shouldn’t have surprised me. She is and always has been reserved in public, choosing to watch and observe whatever is happening around her. She comes by it honestly, this daughter of mine; I, too, am often reluctant to speak up, to join in, to participate. My hope is that I will strike the right balance as she grows: that I will know how and when to encourage her to try new things and to make new friends, even as I respect and celebrate the person she is, the personality she’s been given.
Those are the {pretty, happy, funny, real} moments around here this week. How about you? Share in the comments!
Love the drawer planter boxes! And Abby does look like such a happy baby!
Thank you, Jamie! She really is – and this is a fun age. So expressive.